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Dhea Anggita Putri Wardani

Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
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Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
25 tahun
Pengalaman kerja:
5 tahun
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With over 5 years of experience, I am a passionate and friendly English tutor dedicated to teaching children, teenagers, and adults alike. My approach is tailored to understanding each student's unique needs, ensuring effective improvement in their English skills. I bring creativity to my teaching methods, making learning enjoyable and engaging for my students. As an enthusiastic and responsible individual, I am committed to helping each student achieve their best possible progress. I specialize in teaching all aspects of English, including listening, reading, grammar, speaking, and vocabulary memorization. My extensive experience as an English tutor spans over 5 years, during which I have successfully guided students of all ages towards improving their language skills. I prioritize understanding the individual requirements of each student to tailor my teaching methods accordingly. Through creative and innovative approaches, I ensure that learning English becomes an enjoyable and enriching experience. As an enthusiastic and responsible educator, I am dedicated to facilitating the best possible progress for my students. I am proficient in teaching all facets of the English language, including listening comprehension, reading proficiency, grammar comprehension, speaking fluency, and vocabulary retention.

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Online English Course

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In my English tutoring sessions, students will receive comprehensive instruction in speaking, reading, and listening skills entirely in English. Moreover, they will also delve into grammar principles and acquire new vocabulary during each session. To reinforce learning, students will be given practice exercises at the end of each lesson. Specifically focusing on speaking, students will engage in conversations on current affairs, with the option to use both English and Bahasa Indonesia for those less fluent. Additionally, for TOEFL preparation, students will cover all necessary skills, including listening, grammar, and reading, with ample practice exercises provided.

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Dhea Anggita Putri Wardani
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Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Dhea Anggita Putri Wardani
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