Marthin Kardana

Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Terverifikasi oleh Interaksi
46 tahun
Pengalaman kerja:
7 tahun
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Berdasarkan janji

I believe my students may describe me as a fun teacher with up to date methods that we can practice together in such ways that we'll have great experiences of learning English. Having experience in teaching English officially since 2016, and also my having experience of working abroad for about three years make me believe that I can be the best choice for those who want to improve their English in such effective ways.

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TOEFL ITP Preparation

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Untuk setiap murid baru ada diskon khusus paket, harganya menjadi lebih terjangkau.

If you need to reach your TOEFL ITP score target, you are on your right way when choosing me as your tutor. Having experience in tutoring many of my students to reach their score targets, I can help you set your score then you will be equipped with the effective tips and tricks on how to deal with the challenges of the TOEFL, including the Listening part, Structure and Written Expressions part, and also Reading part. Ten sessions of discussing the questions and answers should be adequate, more than that can surely be even better. If you can find it effective for your TOEFL ITP preparation with me, why should you still try finding any other?

Ada 2 jenis kelas, Private dan Semi Private

Private: 1 siswa

Semi Private: 2 siswa

Regular: 3 - 8 siswa

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English Conversation

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Untuk setiap murid baru ada diskon khusus paket, harganya menjadi lebih terjangkau.

English skills, especially its speaking skill, are really important in our activities/career, today and in the future. You can prepare it right now no matter you are still a middle/high school, college student, or even a worker/professional. No matter you are just starting learning it or you feel that you already have the average skill of it. Having me as your tutor is your correct way of improving your English. With me, you will practice such effective ways of improving your English, including Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. Learning English is not merely learning anymore, it's such another way of giving yourself more confidence with your English, fulfilling your needs whoever you are, a student or a worker/professional. Can't wait to see you in my English class!

Ada 2 jenis kelas, Private dan Semi Private

Private: 1 siswa

Semi Private: 2 siswa

Regular: 3 - 6 siswa

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Mr. marthin , You’re Great , I like teachers like you, serious but relaxed..I am satisfied with your teachings to me, and ...Amazing🙏👍...thank you for giving me the best🙏


Mr. Marthin guru yg sangat supportif dan sabar dalam membimbing untuk meningkatkan skill bahasa inggris sy. Beliau jg memberikan banyak wacana baru karena pengetahuan umumnya luas. Terima kasih pak Marthin atas bimbingannya. Sukses selalu.

Mr. Marthin guru yg sangat supportif dan sabar dalam membimbing untuk meningkatkan skill bahasa inggris sy. Beliau jg memberikan banyak wacana baru karena pengetahuan umumnya luas. Terima kasih pak Marthin atas bimbingannya. Sukses selalu.


Pernahkah Anda bekerja dengan spesialis ini?

Pernahkah Anda bekerja dengan spesialis ini?

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Mitra yang direkomendasikan
Marthin Kardana
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